Despite mandatory GMO labeling in more than 60 countries around the world, last year, a California ballot measure that would have required labeling of genetically modified/engineered food was narrowly defeated.
A similar measure in Washington state was also defeated which would have required labeling of foods that are made with genetically altered crops as well as labeling of genetically engineered seeds and seed products sold in the state.
In both cases, Monsanto, DuPont and major food manufacturers poured millions into fighting the proposed legislation in California and Washington.
Additionally, the U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly against the Sanders Amendment to the Farm Bill that would have allowed states to pass legislation requiring GMO food and beverage products to labeled, even though 95 percent of Americans want genetically engineered foods to be labeled.
About 80 percent of all processed food on grocery shelves contains genetically engineered (GMO) ingredients, including GMO high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) used as a sweetener in virtually everything from cereal to ketchup.
Everything you need to know about GMO food are here in “Bad Seeds: A FriendsEAT Guide to GMO and Monsanto.”
Our book “Bad Seeds: A FriendsEAT Guide to GMOs and Monsanto,” includes four years of newsworthy articles related to GMOs, Monsanto, labeling issues, court battles, and scientific studies regarding the possible health risks associated with genetically modified food.
In spite of the continuous efforts on behalf of major food corporations and agribusiness, consumers have organized and are waging war in a fight to demand GMO labeling laws.
Monsanto and large food corporations may be able to subvert the political will of the people by spending millions to defeat GMO labeling laws, but consumers are fed up and actively uniting to avoid GMO contaminated food.
One consumer group, The Non-GMO Project, a non-profit organization, offers consumers in North America third party verification and labeling for non-GMO food and products.
The Non-GMO Project website allows consumers to search for GMO-free foods by brand names and product names. Retailers can also download a list of UPCs for verified products.
The website also lists PARTICIPATING RETAILERS providing GMO-Free food brands and provides an IPHONE APP SHOPPING GUIDE.
A feature of the Non-GMO Project’s website is listing all the products and restaurants verified as free of GMO.
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