Tuesday, December 24, 2013

8 Tips on Staying Gluten-Free When Dining Out

A gluten-free diet is a diet that excludes the protein gluten, which is found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye and triticale — a cross between wheat and rye.

Gluten causes inflammation in the small intestines of people with celiac disease, which interferes with the absorption of nutrients. Maintaining a gluten-free diet helps people with celiac disease prevent those complications.

Field of Wheat 8 Tips on Staying Gluten Free When Dining Out

Wheat is a common staple, but for some it can be quite troublesome

According to the Center for Celiac Research & Treatment in Boston, about two million to three million Americans, or nearly 1% of the population, suffer from celiac disease.

And the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness estimates that another 18 million Americans have a gluten sensitivity, which can manifest in the form of diarrhea, anemia and other symptoms similar to those of celiac disease.

But now millions more who don’t have a specific health issue are eliminating gluten from their diets.

As The Wall Street Journal’s Julie Jargon points out, nearly 30% of Americans surveyed by market research firm NPD Group Inc. said they are trying to avoid gluten, up from 25.5% three years ago.

As a result, many chain restaurants strive to offer gluten-free food to attract this growing base of customers, but ensuring food is free of gluten is easier said than done. Julie notes that in commercial kitchens, ingredients can easily mix, making restaurants reluctant to promise.

gLUTEN fREE 8 Tips on Staying Gluten Free When Dining Out

“Gluten Free” Labeling could alleviate much pain for those with Celiac disease

Under a new FDA regulation that goes into effect next year, foods labeled “gluten free” must contain fewer than 20 parts per million of gluten, but that applies to packaged food.

And while an FDA spokeswoman said the restaurant industry should “move quickly to ensure that its use of ‘gluten-free’ labeling is consistent with the federal definition,” don’t expect restaurants to be adhering to FDA advice any time soon.

After Texas Roadhouse first introduced a gluten-free menu six years ago, they pulled the gluten-free menu a year after some customers claimed menu items weren’t entirely gluten-free, and others reported getting sick.

Last year, Domino’s Pizza introduced a gluten-free pizza crust but admitted that due to the size of its kitchens, it can’t control for cross-contamination.

For those who are understandably reluctant to rely on restaurants to ensure menu items are gluten-free, here are 8 tips on staying gluten-free when dining out.

1) Order a Large Salad

Fresh vegetables are all-natural and gluten-free. Stick with a simple oil and vinegar dressing and make sure your salad has no croutons.

2) Just Vegetables

Place a special order for only vegetables sautéed in olive oil and garlic.

3) When Ordering Meat

Fresh meats, fish and poultry are gluten-free but make sure none of the meat has been breaded, batter-coated or marinated, and/or cooked with sauces, breading or other additives. Ask for grilled, broiled, baked, or roasted chicken, seafood, pork, or lean beef.

4) Order Eggs or an Omelet

Eggs, milk and cheese are gluten-free. Milk, half and half, cream, cream cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, butter, margarine, and most cheese is gluten free except processed cheese blends. You can order scrambled eggs, bacon and fresh fruit, or a vegetable omelet with potatoes and fresh fruit.

5) Starches

Joy Bauer recommends ordering a plain baked sweet or white potato or a side of plain rice (go for whole-grain brown or wild rice if available). Other safe starch options include polenta, corn grits, beans, and lentils.

6) Safe Gluten-Free Combinations

Baked potato with cheese and vegetables

Corn tortillas with stir-fried meat and vegetables

Stir-fried meat and vegetables with rice and wheat-free tamari

Bean-and-cheese burritos made with corn tortillas

Grilled meat or fish, baked potato and vegetables

7) Request Special Meals From Chef

Bridget Sandorford, a freelance food and culinary writer, suggests requesting a special meal or request alterations to what’s on the menu. Ask for foods to be prepared in different ways (such as grilled, not fried), ask for sauces to be eliminated or substituted, or ask for the creation of something new altogether that uses the ingredients you choose.

8) Contact Restaurants Ahead of Time

You may be able to preview menu options and research ingredient lists. Ask what practices are used in the kitchen to prevent cross-contamination. Ask questions: Do you have a gluten-free menu? What are your gluten-free menu options? Can you tell me what gluten is?

Barley (malt, malt flavoring and malt vinegar are usually made from barley)


Triticale (a cross between wheat and rye)


Avoiding wheat can be challenging because wheat products go by numerous names. Consider the many types of wheat flour on supermarket shelves — bromated, enriched, phosphated, plain and self-rising. Here are other wheat products to avoid:


Durum flour


Graham flour




In general, avoid the following foods unless they’re labeled as gluten-free or made with corn, rice, soy or other gluten-free grain:



Cakes and pies



Cookies and crackers


French fries


Imitation meat or seafood



Processed luncheon meats

Salad dressings

Sauces, including soy sauce

Seasoned rice mixes

Seasoned snack foods, such as potato and tortilla chips

Self-basting poultry

Soups and soup bases

Vegetables in sauce

spence 5 8 Tips on Staying Gluten Free When Dining Out

Inquisitive foodie with a professional investigative background and strong belief in the organic farm to table movement. Author of Bad Seeds: A FriendsEAT Guide to GMO's.

spence 5 8 Tips on Staying Gluten Free When Dining Out

spence 5 8 Tips on Staying Gluten Free When Dining Out

spence 5 8 Tips on Staying Gluten Free When Dining Out

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