Thursday, May 15, 2014

Being in Love with Nutella

Nutella1 Being in Love with Nutella How do I love Nutella? Let me count the ways: Nutella with Melba toast in the morning, a generous slather of Nutella for a snack, a tablespoon of Nutella on pancake batter for those afternoon tea parties, and probably a scoop of Nutella on some crackers for a late-night snack.

Those are just some of the things you can do with Nutella. Indeed, this versatile spread is one of the few things that truly gives me pleasure in life. After a long, hard day working on the computer there is nothing better than a hit of Nutella.

Bread with Nutella Being in Love with Nutella It is interesting to note that such a simple spread could do so much for so many people. The soft, creamy and buttery feel of hazelnut, together with a hint of chocolate, gives Nutella delectable, distinct taste. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are the standard snacks, (there is no doubt about that) but if you are looking for a real, sweet treat, then it has to be Nutella.

No one can blame you (or me) for that. Despite all the hype of health buffs saying that Nutella is bad for your health (because of the oils or whatever); a loyal following of Nutella has continued to patronize the jar.

Nutella in a spoon Being in Love with Nutella I think this is due not only to flavor, but also to nostalgia. Who can forget those days in our youth when our mothers would make us Nutella and white bread sandwiches? How about camping trips were we would sit down with friends and chew on Nutella and crackers? It would not come as a surprise if a few of you out there counteracted a break up with a Nutella eating binge. Those are sweet (sometimes bitter sweet) memories that have helped in Nutella’s staying power.

In fact, I think I hear that gorgeous jar calling now…

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